Chinese Attorney Profiles

如果你已经被捕,并被控罪名,聘请一位你信赖的律师至关重要。你的辩护律师可能会对你刑事案件的结果有重大的影响 --- 你刑事案件的结果可能会对你的未来人生有重大影响。明白你的权利和选择是关键。知道你身边有一位为你争战的律师是无价的。请阅读下面的律师资历。
想了解更多的信息,致电 (646) 681-5997.

What Sets Us Apart
Impressive results & featured in the news on multiple occasions
More than 100 years of combined criminal law experience
Capable of handling cases in various levels of court statewide
Hundreds of cases handled, including jury trials and appeals
Benefits of Working with Former ProsecutorsExperience gives our attorneys the confidence to advocate forcefully for our clients and allows us to map a strategy and a tactical plan to avoid pitfalls and anticipate the prosecution’s attack. Because we are former Assistant District Attorneys, we have a very good idea of how the prosecution is likely to present its evidence in your case and can prepare for its challenges.